Hacking Hone with Hone Prox: Trigger Actions On Your Mac With Hone

Posted on September 26, 2013 by Geoffrey Litwack

So you have a Hone and it's great - no more lost keys! Well, as you know Hone is hackable, and today we're releasing source code and a demo utility to demonstrate that extensibility. 

Enter Hone Prox

Hone Prox is a utility for OS X that works with your Bluetooth 4.0-equipped MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, or Mac Mini, which includes all models released after mid-June 2011. Here's what it looks like:

Hone Prox allows you to launch applications and Automator scripts when you approach or leave your Mac. Here's how to set it up:

  • Click the Pair button to pair your Hone to the app. You can see that my Hone is already paired.
  • Next, select an Entry Action. This can be an app, file, or Automator script. This is what launches when your Hone comes in range of your Mac.
  • Choose a Departure Action. This launches when your Hone leaves range of your Mac. 
  • Finally, choose sensitivity. The left side is most sensitive (i.e. will trigger from farthest away) and the right side is most sensitive, meaning your Hone has to be close to the computer to trigger. This can be useful if you only want an action to trigger when you take your keys out of your pocket and explicitly put them on your desk, for example. 

You can get way fancier with your actions than my simple setup - for example, you could use Hone Prox in conjunction with Automator and home automation via IFTTT to turn the lights on in your house with a WeMo switch, or send a tweet to your significant other that you're home.

Where Do I Get It?

You can download Hone Prox here, and the open source code is at GitHub. If you do something neat with it or fork the code to build something cool, send us an email at [email protected]!


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